बुधवार, २४ डिसेंबर, २००८

pakistan studant education degrees

Degrees Offered For Students in Pakistan

This is from reliable sources Islami fundamentalist from Pakistan offering following courses .100% job guaratee,high payment ,road to Jannat after death

1.BE :-Bomb Engineering

2.CAT ;-Carrier in Al Cayda and Taliban

3.MTECH;-Master in Terror technology

4.MBBS ;- Member of Bomb Blasting Soscity

5.BSC :-Bio Weapon science

6.LLB :-Learning Liecence of Bomb blasting

qualification for rhis courses is only youth should be ready to do or die for Islam.

this course are given in mountains of baluchistan and in pak occupied kashmir.before actual training start brain wash of studant done by pictures and vidios.all this courses are free of cost,no fee payment ,free stay in training camp.all money require for running this course obtained by smuggling of Drugs ,afu ,brown sugar.

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