बुधवार, २४ डिसेंबर, २००८


Mumbai terror attack by Islamic terrorist anger the people of India .most community from India demanding that terrorist camp in Pakistan should be destroy by military action. But if India takes any such action will be result in war.
I personally think that war or attacking terrorist camp will not solve this problem. First India should close all the relations with Pakistan whether it is commercial or cultural or in sport. All information, evidence against Pakistan should be displayed in front of world. This Islam terrorism is going to be affecting the every country in world. If world realize the seriousness of this then India’s work will be easy. War should be last choice.
If India keeps the patience terrorist ghost created by Pakistan will destroy Pakistan itself. War make no difference to Pakistan as it is already send Pakistan in stone era. Pakistani is collapsing.Situationes of poor Pakistani people is worst than any other country in Asia. Pakistan wants war as politician in Pakistan want to divert the thoughts of people. why India loose the energy on Pakistan as it is going to be destroyed by their own created I SLAMI GHOST. So be patience it will definitely benefit India.
War will definitely makes difference to India. Last 15 year’s India has make progress in every field, war will take India back. All progress will go in a vain. common people will suffer more. most important thing is condition is not yet that worst . let world take the action against Pakistan. war should be a last choice.

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