गुरुवार, ४ डिसेंबर, २००८

Pakistan and ISLAM Terrorist

Pakistan and ISLAM terrorsm

India and Pakistan are the two countries formed in1947in asia.divide and rule policy of British works.muslim wants different nation .barrister jinah gives order of direct action to muslims and mass killing,rape of hindu womens start in muslim majority areas of that time.many house of hindus burn robbed in lahore karachi.by killing lakhs of Hindu people Pakistan the muslim majority country appear on the map of world but muslim majority kashmir remains in secular india.pakistan fight three wars against India to capture kashmir each time they loss the direct war .in between pakistan divide and Bangladesh form with help of indian army.its heart pakistan so much every pakistani army man wants to take revenge .so pakistan start proxy war against india as they realize that they can not beat india in direct war.kashmiri muslim youth miss guided by ISI by making brain wash.they told that they are ruled by hindu goverment they should fight for ISLAM,as ISLAM is in danger by hindu govern people.
world situation at that times help pakistan.america want to remove russian supported communist goverment in afganistan.america supports taliban.al qaida at that time and pakistani military gets lot of dollars to train talibans.fifty percent of that finance used against india.kashmiri touth trained by ISI and military for terririst attacks in india.win of taliban in afganistan,fall of communist russia need of taliban and al qaida for america is over .but al qaida don’t want to stop.they sart organising muslim all over world against america and europe.; when al qaida attacks twin towers in new york america realise the pain of terrorism which india suffering last 40 years.but taliban and al qaida has gone out of control.pakistan trap between american force to killed islami terroirist and to stop supporting any islami terrorist organisation.pakistan made terrorism start biting pakistai soil and people.still pakistan not taking any lesson from this,pakistani military just want to take revenge on indian army and indian people,muslim youth are brain wash,their brain feeled to hate india and hindu people.
fear is that pakistan soil will gone in complete control of terrorist and nuclear weapon of pakistan will be gone in hand of ISLAMI terrorist.this will be used against india ,chritian and jew community.before worst things happens,worlds leading country should take strict action against pakistan

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